Thursday, February 10, 2011


The oncologist described the results of John's CT scan as "stable."  That is, the doctors see no indication of cancer and the lymph nodes under his liver are essentially the same size.

It looks like CT scans will be an on-going part of our lives.  His next one will be in May.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

John's 1st Follow-Up CT Scan

John had his first post-surgery CT scan today.  The barium used to highlight any cancer on the scan is hard on kidneys.  So, John got a diluted barium drink (which was still awful tasting) and an IV drip to make sure he was fully hydrated prior to the scan.  The extra fluids help to wash the barium through his system and protect his remaining kidney.

John's oncologist will call Thursday evening to give us the results.

I'm glad to be on the mend from a bad cold and back issues.  I might even be able to do some outside chores tomorrow with the expected sunshine.