Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Headstone

Elise died over 2 1/2 years ago.  Her ashes are buried at the Fall City Cemetery, and were marked with a Celtic plaque, little mementos and flowers since her passing.  I guess I needed time before I was able to get her a "regular" headstone.  Maybe it is the finality of it all.  But, when Cameron and Jasper were over last 4th of July, we designed it then.  Today John and I placed it at her grave site.  I still miss her dearly.


  1. The plaque is match a beautiful soul! No one can ever take that "something missing" in your heart away and it's okay to miss her. I am sure she is with you one way or another everyday and you can rest assure that she knew you loved her, which I think far surpasses anything. xoxo
